How China Sees the World – Top Overseas Destinations for Studying, Living & Co.

how China sees the world - top destinations for studying, living and more

How China sees the world and the implications of this on doing business are vastly different from Western countries.

The China experts at China Gravy are taking a deep dive into Baidu autocomplete results as well as other data from relevant Chinese online platforms and the implications for your global business.

For example, did you know that the Chinese perceive Greece’s foreign politics as exceptionally China-friendly and that they aren’t particularly fond of French cars, find Italian pasta hard, and wonder why Spain didn’t annex Portugal and Italy didn’t annex the Vatican?

How China sees the world is particularly interesting and relevant for international companies – providing services and products – because of its size (country with the largest population – 1.4 billion people) and its consequent economic strength, consumer size, and purchase power.

How China Sees the World

In order to better understand the Chinese views of other countries and what this implicates for overseas businesses, we will examine the Baidu autocomplete results and Baidu PPC data insight for major Western countries in combinations with keywords around foreign and overseas. Besides, we will examine further aspects of politics, the economy, and more.

Baidu searches (together with the Baidu keyword tool) are relevant as Baidu is the largest search engine in the Middle Kingdom.

Framework of Data Research & Analysis

We examined the ten autocomplete suggestions on Baidu search engine while using the incognito mode in the browser without cookies as well as the top 10 keywords from the Baidu PPC keyword tool.

The data was collected and researched in Q4/2022, just after the death of Queen Elizabeth II and British politics shuffles as well as the ongoing Ukraine invasion by Russia. The global Covid pandemic was phasing out, but the aftermath of the pandemic and global political tension had been causing economic hardship, interest rate increases, and inflation worldwide. It was during this period that the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party was held.

When analyzing the data, we have grouped the results into business-relevant categories (studying abroad, immigrating, etc.) and we have removed generic results like keywords related to the capital of a country, local time, and so on.

Summary – How China Sees the World

To begin this article, let us provide you with a summary of our findings. This in-depth analysis by China Gravy’s China experts was inspired by this 2019 article on how the Chinese generally view other countries.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Baidu search results as well as Baidu PPC data insights reveal that Chinese netizens are highly interested in overseas immigration, tourism, and higher education. This is particularly interesting as these industries are booming now that Covid is slowly phasing out, while other industries are facing (severe) challenges.
  2. The Taobao data insight reveals that the most searched foreign product categories are fashion and food.

So, if you represent one of the following businesses or similar, the below Chinese marketing instruments are ideal for you to reach a large and interested, ready-to-buy audience for your international services and products.

Overseas businesses with high potential in China

Keep in mind that Chinese consumers are highly brand-driven, so it is wise to follow the most suitable corresponding China marketing strategies. Let’s take a look at which strategies are ideal.

China marketing solutions

Keep in mind to do your legal and localization research. For example:

  • Immigration: legal framework
  • Food: Chinese import requirements, CBEC laws, taxation
  • Higher education: international recognition of degrees

The keywords related to foreign (国外), overseas (海外), go abroad (去国外), and go overseas (去海外), show that studying abroad and immigrating to other countries (e.g. through real estate investment) are the top searches on Baidu (autocomplete) and the respective Baidu PPC insight.

  • Your Western business: overseas universities, immigration service providers, real estate agencies/agents, and digital agencies who can help Chinese businesses with marketing outside of China 
  • China marketing strategies for Western businesses to reach Chinese customers: Baidu SEO + PPC
Summary: Keyword Results Related to Overseas (Baidu Autocomplete, Baidu PPC)

Summary B: Keyword Results of Major Western Countries (Baidu Autocomplete, Baidu PPC)

Next, we have categorized the top 10 results for each of the major 11 Western countries based on the Baidu autocomplete and Baidu PPC data into the following categories. Again, studying abroad and immigrating to other countries is most popular among Chinese netizens.

In terms of monthly average searches on the Baidu PPC Keyword Tool, the top three countries are the US, the UK, and Germany (neglecting Russia on current rank one due to the ongoing war).

Chinese online users are particularly interested in studying in Australia, the UK, and Canada, as well as immigrating to Greece, Portugal, the UK, and Australia.

  • Your Western business: overseas universities, immigration service providers, real estate agencies/agents
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: Baidu SEO + PPC
Keyword Results of Major Western Countries - Baidu Autocomplete and Baidu PPC

Summary C: Keyword Results of “Why” + Major Western Countries (Baidu Autocomplete, Baidu PPC)

The Baidu autocomplete results together with the information from Baidu PPC are relevant for Chinese people in Mainland China, seeking services (especially explanation-intense services like immigration), as well as foreign goods and niche products.

Canada has the most positive results as well as no negative results, which might be why it is so popular among Chinese for studying and immigration. Note that gambling isn’t specifically related to Canada – it’s just a play on words as Canada (加拿大) can also be read as “adding more money”.

Besides, Chinese online users positively associate the US with a strong economy but are skeptical regarding the country’s politics. UK politics are positively seen as strong and influential, but the country is negatively perceived in terms of corruption and economic decline.

Moreover, Chinese netizens associate a strong economy with Germany, but weak current politics. Australia is positively perceived with high-quality education and given the lovely nickname “backward” (土澳) due to its large countryside (but obviously, the technology, lifestyle/culture, and economy are forward).

The politics of Greece are seen as exceptionally positive due to the good relationship with China, but the declining economy is perceived as negative together with the country’s incestuous mythology. 

Finally, Italy is positively associated with brands and the economy, but negatively with the country’s politics and xenophobia.

Positive Associations

According to Baidu autocomplete and Baidu PPC data, positive associations are mostly centered around politics, the economy, sports, and studying abroad.

Positive associations: number of keyword results in top 10 Baidu autocomplete and Baidu PPC data insight for 11 major Western countries

Negative Associations

In terms of Baidu autocomplete and Baidu PPC data, negative associations are likewise mostly centered around politics, the economy, and the living conditions of a country.

Overall, Chinese online users have the least negative associations with Canada, Australia, and Germany. On the other hand, most negative associations by Chinese online users are with the US, Spain, and Italy.

Negative associations: number of keyword results in top 10 Baidu autocomplete and Baidu PPC data insight for 11 major Western countries

Summary D: Ctrip Hot Cities

The top 23 cities on Ctrip reveal that the US, France, the UK, and Australia are the most foreign searched destinations online by Chinese netizens in mainland China after major Asian countries with Thailand as their favorite. The Ctrip results can be viewed as an indicator for the Chinese tourism industry.

  • Your Western business: overseas travel agencies targeting Chinese tourists (groups, individuals)
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: Baidu SEO + PPC, social media marketing

Summary E: Hashtag Followers for Major Western Countries on Douyin & Xiaohongshu

The countries USA, UK, and Russia have the most streams and videos with respective hashtags on Douyin, as well as notes on Xiaohongshu.

  • Your Western business: overseas travel agencies targeting Chinese tourists (groups, individuals)
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: social media marketing

Summary F: Weibo Embassy Followers of Major Western Countries

On Sina Weibo, the embassies of the US, UK, and Canada have the most followers. Since embassies provide visas for studying, working, and relocating abroad, this indicates the most attractive destinations for Chinese to live and work abroad.

  • Your Western business: overseas higher education institutions, immigration service providers, overseas real estate agencies, overseas companies seeking Chinese staff
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: social media marketing

Summary G: Taobao Autocomplete Results for Major Western Countries

Searches on Alibaba Group’s Taobao reflect the interest and demand (services, products) of Chinese consumers in mainland China related to different countries. Taobao aggregates the search results from Taobao, Tmall, and Tmall Global

This information is relevant for overseas businesses selling their e-commerce products – especially because Taobao (owned by Alibaba Group) is the largest e-commerce platform worldwide before Amazon.

The autocomplete results in China on Taobao reveal that most Chinese are looking for services related to traveling abroad, Daigou (to order foreign products) and foreign brands, as well as immigration services.

  • Your Western business: overseas travel businesses, immigration service providers, global brands aspiring to sell to Chinese consumers
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: social media marketing
services - number of searches on Taobao

In terms of products, most Chinese are searching Taobao for foreign consumer products, which are – by far (!) – fashion and (imported) food. Finally, medical products/supplements and gaming are also searched often.

  • Your Western business: food delicacy and specialty companies, global brands (fashion & accessories, medical & supplements, gaming & toys)
  • China marketing strategies to reach Chinese customers: social media marketing
products - number of searches on Taobao

Summary H: Overseas Chinese Communities

Outside of Asia, the largest Chinese communities can be found in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Summary I: FDIs, Chinese Exports & Imports

In terms of foreign direct investments (FDIs), China heavily places more than half of its investments in Europe, East Asia, and West Asia in its ongoing process to establish the New Silk Road, securing geopolitical influence and power.

Regarding Chinese exports, the majority (technical equipment, machines, clothes) go abroad, namely to the US (41%) and Hong Kong (24%).

Finally, Chinese imports (crude petroleum, technical items, cars, food) mainly come from Asia, namely Japan (22%) and South Korea (22%).

Summary J: Perception of Products “Made-in-Country”

Products made in Germany, Switzerland, the EU, New Zealand, and Canada are generally associated with good quality, health, and safety in China. 

On the other side of the spectrum are products made in the Philippines, Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, and Iran, which are perceived as less good.

Outlook – How China Sees the World (Economy, Politics)

In 2022, as the world slowly leaves the Covid-pandemic behind, new global challenges appear. The Chinese real estate market is in crisis, beyond local inflation and rising interest rates, and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia continues.

Besides, worldwide supply chain disruptions and consequent delivery bottlenecks, rising raw material and construction costs affect China with its zero-Covid policy disproportionately.

Finally, a global recession and inflation are on the horizon, and international politics continue to be tense – especially between the US and China, and their ongoing trade war.

Details – How China Sees the World

Now, let’s take a deep dive into how China sees the world.

To begin with, let’s take a look at the autocomplete results on the Baidu search engine as well as the Baidu PPC keyword tool for 11 major Western countries to get a first idea of what Chinese online users associate with other countries when searching the internet. 

国外 (Foreign)

First, the Baidu search engine auto-complete results (screenshot below) plus Baidu PPC data (no screenshot) show that the questions asked about “foreign” are mainly related to accessing information outside of China (e.g. CDN, VPN, server) and studying abroad.

Baidu autocomplete results for foreign
Source: (Q4/2022)

Internet outside China (includes businesses that want to conduct business outside of China)

  • Foreign server
  • Foreign website
  • Foreign accelerator (VPN/CDN tool)
  • Foreign search engine
  • Foreign version of Douyin/TikTok
  • Happy sister in America (travel vlogger)


  • How to apply for foreign graduate students
  • Study abroad
  • Foreign academic degree certification


  • Foreign fountain website (wordplay on pornographic sites)


  • Foreign movies

海外 (Overseas)

Next, the Baidu search engine auto-complete results (screenshot below) plus Baidu PPC data (no screenshot) show that the questions asked about “overseas” are mainly centered around overseas e-commerce/shopping platforms as well as overseas websites, hosting, and more.

Baidu autocomplete results for overseas
Source: (Q4/2022)

Foreign e-commerce (B2B)

  • Is the overseas short video cross-border e-commerce platform real?
  • Overseas Daigou
  • Overseas shopping mall
  • Overseas warehouse

Unlike in Western countries, where there are many B2C searches in the e-commerce sector, Chinese online users mainly search for B2B-related e-commerce opportunities.

Internet outside China (includes businesses that want to conduct business outside of China)

  • Foreign server (cloud)
  • Foreign website
  • Overseas accelerator (VPN/CDN tool)
  • How to make money on TikTok overseas

去国外 (Go Abroad)

In terms of “going abroad”, the Baidu search engine auto-complete results (screenshot below) plus Baidu PPC data (no screenshot) mainly focus on studying, working, immigrating, and traveling abroad. More specifically, Chinese netizens are mainly interested in going abroad to the US and the UK.

Baidu autocomplete results for go abroad
Source: (Q4/2022)


  • Requirements for studying abroad for a doctorate
  • What are the requirements for studying abroad
  • How much does it cost to study abroad for a year
  • Study in the UK


  • What to do to work abroad
  • Agent to work abroad
  • Go to work abroad
  • Conditions for becoming a Chinese teacher abroad


  • Immigrate to America
  • How to settle in the United States
  • How to apply for a visa to travel abroad
  • How an ordinary person goes to America


  • Being Julia

去海外 (Go Overseas)

For “going overseas”, the Baidu search engine auto-complete results (screenshot below) plus Baidu PPC data (no screenshot) are centered around immigrating, studying, and working abroad, mainly in the US.

Baidu autocomplete results go overseas
Source: (Q4/2022)

Internet outside China (includes businesses that want to conduct business outside of China)

  • Overseas apps


  • How an ordinary person goes to America
  • Introduction to buying real estate overseas
  • Is ”going abroad Q&A” a scam? (refers to scammy agencies)
  • How to buy overseas


  • Study abroad


  • Is it okay to work overseas?

Details B: Keyword Results of Major Western Countries (Baidu Autocomplete, Baidu PPC)

Next, let’s find out what Chinese people in China and around the world associate with different countries. 

Monthly Average Searches on Baidu PPC Keyword Tool

To begin with, we look at which countries are most searched by Chinese netizens according to the Baidu PPC Keyword Tool. 

As you can expect, Russia is the most searched country online in China in Q4/2022, due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, and less out of immigration or other interests.

CountryMonthly Average Searches on Baidu PPC Keyword Tool

Now, let’s take a closer look. We will examine the Baidu autocomplete phrases and Baidu PPC data for each of the 11 major Western countries.


The Chinese word for the US “美国” is based on “美” (měi), which sounds similar to the ME in “aMErica”, and means “beautiful”. So, “美国” literally means “the land of the beautiful” or “beautiful land”. 

Chinese internet users mainly search for American movies and dating/sex-related keywords.


  • American movie
  • American blockbuster soundtrack
  • American Horror Story
  • Captain America


  • xxxxUnited States
  • xxixUnited States


  • Sephora

Internet outside USA

  • Foreign email provider


Next, the Chinese word for the UK “英国” is based on “英” (yīng), which sounds similar to the ENG in “ENGland”, and means “hero”. So, “英国” literally means “land of heroes”. 

Chinese netizens are particularly interested in studying in the UK and immigrating to Britain as well as the British economy.


  • Top 10 UK universities
  • Cost of studying in the UK for one year
  • UK university rankings


  • UK residential
  • UK visa


  • UK economy


The Chinese word for Germany “德国” is based on “德” (dé), which sounds similar to DE in “DEutschland” (“Germany” in German), and means “virtue”. So, literally “德国” means “land of virtue”. German products have a very good reputation in China. In the past, German politics was seen as strong and straightforward (especially during the war), and now the country’s economy is perceived as weak.

Chinese people are especially interested in the German economy and brands as well as studying in Germany.


  • German stock market
  • German GDP
  • German DAX index


  • German car brands
  • Vaillant


  • Conditions and fees for studying in Germany


Next, the Chinese word for Australia “澳洲” is based on “澳”, which sounds similar to the Au in “AUstralia” and means “bay”. 

People in the Middle Kingdom search the most online about studying in and immigrating to Australia. Besides, Chinese netizens search for food specialties, gambling (prohibited in China), and brands.


  • Study in Australia
  • Eight prestigious universities in Australia
  • Australia 51758 (271 visa for students, 580 visa for parents of students)
  • How much does it cost to study in Australia for a year?
  • Ranking of the top eight universities in Australia
  • Australian university rankings


  • The latest conditions for Australian immigration
  • Australian immigration


  • Australian Soul download (dating app)


  • Australian lobster


  • Australian Lucky 5 (lottery)


  • Vodafone Australia


The Chinese word for Canada “加拿大” has been transliterated. Chinese online users are interested in studying in Canada, gambling, immigrating to Canada, and a Canadian winter fashion brand.


  • Cost of studying in Canada for one year
  • Study in Canada
  • Canadian university


  • Canada 28 (lottery)
  • PC Canada 2.8 official website online prediction


  • Immigration to Canada


  • Canada Goose (winter clothes)


Next, the Chinese word for Greece “希腊” (xīlà), which sounds similar to the HE in “HEllas” (the Greek name for “Greece”) and literally means “rare meat” (maybe because of Souvla?!). So, “希腊” is a pure transliteration for “Greece”.

Internet users in the Middle Kingdom are mainly searching online for immigrating to Greece as well as Greek history and mythology.


  • Greece immigration policy 2022
  • House buying immigration in Greece
  • Unique Greek immigration
  • Immigrate to Greece


  • Ancient Greece
  • Greek mythology
  • Greek mythology characters
  • 12 gods of Greek mythology


The Chinese word France “法国” is based on “法”, which sounds similar to the FRA in “FRAnce” and means “law”. So, literally, “法国” means “land of the law” and is likely related to French philosophers like Descartes.

Online users in China are particularly interested in French movies and TV shows.


  • SKAM French version (TV show)
  • French ethics film


  • French Lover


  • The French Revolution


Next, the Chinese word for Italy “意大利” has been transliterated. Online users in the Middle Kingdom especially search for dating/sex, studying in Italy, food specialties, and brands.


  • Italian A (adult)
  • French Italian Sex Classic xxxxx
  • xxxx italian sex boutique


  • How much is the cost of studying in Italy a year


  • Spaghetti


  • Italian Barazza (kitchen appliances)


The Chinese word for Spain “西班牙” has been transliterated. Chinese netizens are interested in Spanish movies, studying in Spain, and Spanish delicacies (ham).


  • Spanish movies
  • Spanish movie recommendations


  • Study in Spain


  • Spanish Ligue 1


  • Spanish ham


Next, the Chinese word for Portugal “葡萄牙” has been transliterated. 葡萄 means grapes and refers to wine, so 葡萄牙 literally means grape or wine tooth.

Chinese people are especially interested in immigrating to Portugal and sports (soccer).


  • Latest policies for Portuguese immigration
  • Portuguese immigration
  • Portugal 88.2 (residence permit)


  • Portugal football team
  • Portuguese Premier League
  • Portuguese table tennis
  • Portuguese sports


Finally, the Chinese word for Russia “俄罗斯” is also a transliteration. The Chinese overall particularly search online around dating/sex. Due to the ongoing invasion of Russia in Ukraine, most Chinese online searches are related to this war in Q4/2022 – we are neglecting the search results related to this as it is a temporary data variation.

Internet outside China

  • Russian search engine


  • Russian mom online
  • Russian Lolita
  • Russian xxx

Details C: Keyword Results of “Why” + Major Western Countries (Baidu Autocomplete, Baidu PPC)

Now, let’s take a closer look into what Chinese netizens in the Middle Kingdom and around the world associate with various countries.

How China sees the world: “为什么美国” (Why America…)

When searching for “why the US…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese view America as powerful, and American men have big penises (positive associations). On the other hand, it is also associated with going to war often (negative).

  • Why are American penises so big?
  • Why did the US fight Vietnam?
  • Why did the US attack Iraq?
  • Why is there no bullet train in the US?
  • Why is TSMC controlled by the US? (Taiwanese chip manufacturing company)
  • Why is America so powerful?
  • Why is Area 51 a restricted area?
Baidu autocomplete why America
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么英国” (Why England…)

When searching for “why the UK…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese view England as not afraid of the US and as a country with wide influence (positive association), but decadent, corrupt and always changing their prime ministers (negative association).

  • Why is Britain called a corrupt country?
  • Why is the UK not afraid of the US?
  • Why is the UK always changing its prime ministers?
Baidu autocomplete why England
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么德国” (Why Germany…)

When searching for “why Germany…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese view Germany as economically and politically strong in the past, especially in World War II (positive associations). The top Baidu results show negative associations by the Chinese towards Germany in terms of xenophobia (Jews) and its political representation internationally.

  • Why is Germany still so strong after WW1 and WW2?
  • Why German Autobahns Have No Speed ​​Limits
  • Why is German industry so powerful?
  • Why do Germans hate Jews so much
  • Why was Germany so strong in WWII?
  • Why do German presidents rarely show up?
Baidu autocomplete why Germany
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么澳洲” (Why Australia…)

When searching for “why Australia…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese view Australia as a country with excellent studying and higher education possibilities (very positive) and a high-quality lifestyle (lovingly nicknamed “backward” – see below). On the other hand, there are negative associations around Australia being dangerous (spiders).

Tuao (土澳, tǔ ào) is a humorous slang term that literally means “rural Australia” and refers to the country being “unrefined and backward” in the eyes of Chinese, especially in terms of language (accent), urban design (very close to nature) and mobile payment technology. While this term is widely used, especially by Chinese migrants on WeChat and other Chinese social media platforms, it is more used in an affectionate rather than derogatory way. This is reflected in the strong online search (and therefore interest and demand) of Chinese citizens to study in Australia and migrate there (see above).

Baidu autocomplete why Australia
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么加拿大” (Why Canada…)

When searching for “why Canada…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that Chinese view Canada as a big country (with few inhabitants) and politically strong as well as a good immigration destination (positive associations).

  • Why don’t Canadian men go home? (WeChat lottery/gambling)
  • Why is Canada not afraid of the US?
  • Why is Canada Goose so expensive?
  • Why does Canada welcome Immigrants?
Baidu autocomplete why Canada
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么希腊” (Why Greece…)

When searching for “why Greece…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese have positive associations with Greece related to Chinese-Greece relations. Negative associations of Greece by the Chinese center around the country’s poverty and bankruptcy as well as mythology (incest, nudity).

  • Why are Greek sculptures nude?
  • Why is Greece friendly to China?
  • Why is Greek mythology so messed up?
  • Why does Greece have good relations with China?
  • Why does Greece always help China?
  • Why is Greece going bankrupt?
Baidu autocomplete why Greece
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么法国” (Why France…)

When searching for “why France…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese have positive associations with France around brands, political strength, romance, and higher education (PhD only 1 year). Negative associations of France by the Chinese are related to French cars and xenophobia.

The derogatory term of the French “frogs” refers to the French eating frogs’ legs as a delicacy as well as the fleur-de-lis, a French symbol of the monarchical period, that is also sometimes referred to as three frogs or toads saluting.

  • Why are there more and more blacks in France?
  • Why are there so many French luxury brands?
  • Why was the French Revolution the most complete revolution?
  • Why are the French called frogs?
  • Why are French cars not selling well in China?
  • Why is France called the China of the West?
Baidu autocomplete why France
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么意大利” (Why Italy…)

When searching for “why Italy…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese positively associate Italy’s good connection to Germany, the country’s luxury cars and brands. On the other hand, the Chinese negatively associate Italy’s weakness in World War II.

  • Why can’t Italians stand pineapple pizza?
  • Why are Italian sports cars so powerful?
  • Why are there so many Italian luxury brands?
  • Why didn’t Italy annex the Vatican?
  • Why does Germany love Italy so much?
  • Why was Italy so weak in WWII?
  • Why is Italian pasta so hard?
Baidu autocomplete why ITaly
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么西班牙” (Why Spain…)

When searching for “why Italy…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that Chinese positively associate soccer with Spain. On the other hand, Spain is perceived negatively as an (economically and politically) weak country, i.a. because it didn’t annex Portugal.

  • Why are things always so bad in Spain?
  • Why are Spain and Portugal in decline?
  • Why didn’t Spain annex Portugal?
Baidu autocomplete why Spain
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么葡萄牙” (Why Portugal…)

When searching for “why Portugal…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that Chinese have positive associations with Portugal related to soccer, and negative associations regarding the economy and overall state of the country as well as Golden Visa issues, possibly due to high commissions by agencies and brokers.

  • Why is Portugal so poor?
  • Why don’t the Chinese go to Portugal?
  • Why is the Portuguese national football team so strong?
  • Why are Portuguese names so long?
  • Why are Portugal and Spain not united?
  • Why is Portugal mostly exporting grapes?
Baidu autocomplete results why Portugal
Source: (Q4/2022)

How China sees the world: “为什么俄罗斯” (Why Russia…)

When searching for “why Portugal…” on Baidu (screenshot below) as well as Baidu PPC insights, the main results show that the Chinese positively associate natural resources, strong foreign politics, and a high level of education (excellent mathematicians). The search results generally show support by Chinese citizens of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. On the other hand, negative associations with Russia by the Chinese include xenophobia.

  • Why is Russia called a fighting nation?
  • Why are there no black people in Russia?
  • Why hasn’t Russia taken Ukraine yet?
  • Why doesn’t China help Russia?
  • Why are Russian tsars Germans?
  • Why is Russian mathematics so good?
  • Why are Russian meat products not allowed to be imported?
Baidu autocomplete why Russia
Source: (Q4/2022)

Details D: Ctrip Hot Cities

These are the top 11 countries (23 cities) on Ctrip as searched for by Chinese online users. The top 4 Western countries searched for on Ctrip are the US, France, the UK, and Australia.

  1. Korea (Seoul, Jeju City)
  2. Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Krabi)
  3. Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Naha)
  4. Singapore (Singapore)
  5. Indonesia (Bali)
  6. Malaysia (Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur)
  7. USA (LA, Las Vegas, New York)
  8. France (Paris)
  9. UK (London)
  10. Vietnam (Nha Trang)
  11. Australia (Sydney)
How China sees the world - Ctrip
Source: (Q4/2022)

Details E: Hashtag Followers for Major Western Countries on Douyin & Xiaohongshu

The number of Chinese people following the aforementioned 11 major Western countries on China’s top social media platforms Douyin and Xiaohongshu reveal similar trends. Keep in mind that Russia is experiencing increased search volumes due to the ongoing invasion in the Ukraine.


The below list is sorted by the number of streams per hashtag (Q4/2022). On Douyin, hashtags for the US, Russia, Germany, and Australia have the most followers.

CountryDouyin Hashtags (Streams)Douyin Hashtags (Videos)


The below list is sorted by the number of notes per hashtag (Q4/2022). On Xiaohongshu, notes for the US, UK, Australia, and Germany have the most followers.

CountryXiaohongshu (notes)
USA4+ million
UK4+ million
Australia4+ million
Germany2+ million
France2+ million
Italy2+ million
Canada1+ million

Details F: Weibo Embassy Followers of Major Western Countries

The number of Chinese people following the below countries’ embassy accounts on Sina Weibo as well as the number of streams reveal that the US, UK, and Canada are the most followed embassies. This is relevant as embassies issue work, student, and immigration visas.

The below list is sorted by the number of Weibo followers (Q4/2022).

CountryWeibo Embassy Account FollowerNumber of Streams
Portugal40,000Streams not displayed

Details G: Taobao Autocomplete Results for Major Western Countries

The Taobao autocomplete results in China are relevant for overseas businesses selling their CBEC e-commerce products in China on Taobao, which also has Tmall integrated. Contrary to Amazon, consumers can also search for services on Taobao.


Related to the US, Chinese consumers mostly search for brand services and entertainment products.

  • Services: American apple ID, US trademark registration, Daigou in USA, United States travel, US Apple account
  • Products: Captain America, American Golden Tiger Whip (potency pills), The end of America (gaming), The Last of Us Part 1 Remake (gaming), Captain America shield


Related to the UK, Chinese consumers mostly search for fashion goods, as well as travel and online shopping-related services.

  • Services: Daigou in the UK, British tourism
  • Products: UK phone card, British sweatpants, Official genuine British sweatpants, UK adapter plug, British hunting suit, Queen of England, British shorthair cat, British shorthair blue cat


Related to Germany, Chinese consumers mostly search for branded products (medicinal, hygiene) as well as fashion and games.

  • Services: Germany travel
  • Products: Halli Galli (game), German horse balm, Germany jersey (soccer shirt), Germany imported kitchen supplies, German windbreaker (Crane brand), German Doppelherz (supplements), Razor imported from Germany
  • Other: Voice of Berlin (Germany), German shepherd


Related to Australia, Chinese consumers mostly search for medical products and supplements as well as specialty food items.

  • Services: Australian Daigou
  • Products: Australia Selsun (medicine), Australian sheep oil, Australian calcium tablets, Australian oatmeal, Australian probiotics, Australian lobster (2x), Australian milk powder, Australian fir (tree)


Related to Canada, Chinese consumers mostly search for branded products (Canada Goose fashion) as well as food/delicacies, and travel/online shopping-related topics.

  • Services: Canada travel, Canadian Daigou
  • Products: Canada Goose, Canada Goose down jacket, Canada Goose official flagship store, Men’s Canada goose down jacket, Canadian American Ginseng, Canadian ice wine, Women’s Canada goose down jacket, Canada down jacket


Related to Greece, Chinese consumers mostly search for mythology/history and fashion.

  • Services: Greece travel
  • Products: Greek style dress, Greek yogurt, Greek goddess dress, Greek mythology (2x)


Related to France, Chinese consumers mostly search for fashion and accessory brands as well as cosmetics.

  • Services: France travel
  • Products: Embryolisse moisturizer, French designer bags, Lacoste, French trench coat, Le Coq Sportif sneakers, Embryolisse makeup primer, French Lancome skincare set, French tutu skirt, French imported red wine


Related to Italy, Chinese consumers mostly search for food specialties and fashion as well as travel services.

  • Services: Italy travel, Atos (Italy)
  • Products: Spaghetti, Pasta sauce, Spaghetti bolognese, Italian luxury men’s shoes, Italian dress, Italian glass paperweight, Italy jersey (soccer shirt), Italian top


Related to Spain, Chinese consumers mostly search for fashion and food specialties.

  • Services: Spain tourism, Spanish (learning)
  • Products: Spanish ham, Spanish designer shoes, Spain jersey (soccer shirt), Spanish red wine, Spanish Curarti (pain relief products)


Related to Portugal, Chinese consumers mostly search for immigration and sports apparel.

  • Services: The latest policy of Portuguese immigration, Portuguese immigrants, Portugal 882 Immigration Act, Portuguese translation, Portuguese English (translation)
  • Products: Portugal jersey (soccer shirt), Portugal World Cup lineup 2022 (soccer apparel), Portugal national team (soccer apparel)
  • Other: Portuguese capital, Portugal time, Area of ​​Portugal


Related to Russia, Chinese consumers mostly search for food and supplements as well as gaming items.

  • Services: Russian tourism
  • Products: Russian milk powder, Russian chocolate, Russian bran balls, Tetris game, Imported milk powder from Russia, Official flagship store of imported food from Russia, Matryoshka dolls

Example Screenshot Taobao autocomplete search for “俄罗斯” (Russia)

Example Screenshot Taobao autocomplete search for “俄罗斯” (Russia)
Source: (Q4/2022)

Details H: Overseas Chinese Communities

These are the countries with the most Chinese expats (2020)

CountryChinese expats
Thailand7 million
USA5.4 million
Singapore3 million
Canada1.9 million
Australia1.4 million
United Kingdom500.000
New Zealand300.000

With proximity and a similar lifestyle, Thailand is a favorite among overseas Chinese. Besides, the US and UK are favored by the Chinese, in particular for young adults who study abroad. Good to know: Many Chinese families buy their children who study abroad an apartment to live in – which later becomes an investment property.

Details I: FDIs, Chinese Exports & Imports

Now, let’s take a look at foreign direct investments, as well as the main Chinese export and import destinations.

Foreign Direct Investments

The total Chinese investments between 2005 and mid-2022 by global region shows that China mainly invests in Europe, East Asia, and Africa to expand its geopolitical influence through the New Silk Road initiative.

RegionBillion USDIn percent
East Asia329.716%
West Asia325.116%
Sub-Sahara Africa311.915%
Arab Middle East & North Africa223.711%
United States194.710%
North America (excl. USA)77.34%

Chinese Exports by Country

In 2020, the items with the highest export from China into the world were broadcasting equipment, computers, integrated circuits, office machine parts, and clothing. 

China mostly exported to

  • USA (438 billion USD)
  • Hong Kong (262 billion USD)
  • Japan (151 billion USD)
  • Germany (112 billion USD)
  • South Korea (110 billion USD)

Now, let’s take a look at the imports into the Middle Kingdom.

Chinese Imports by Country

The top items imported to China in 2020 were crude petroleum, integrated circuits, iron ore, cars, and soybeans.

China mostly imported from

  • Japan (133 billion USD)
  • South Korea (131 billion USD)
  • USA (122 billion USD)
  • Germany (106 billion USD)
  • Taiwan (104 billion USD)

Details J: Perception of Products “Made-in-Country”

This 2017-statistic shows that products made in Germany, Switzerland, the EU, New Zealand, and Canada are mostly associated with “very positive”. 

On the other hand, products made in the Philippines, Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, and Iran evoke negative associations.

This brings us to the end of this article on how China sees the world.

How China Sees the World – The Takeaway

We have analyzed in depth the Baidu autocomplete results and Baidu PPC data related to 11 major Western countries: the US, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Russia. These are the main findings:

  • The main keywords around overseas (foreign, overseas, go abroad, go overseas) largely revolve around accessing information outside of China, foreign e-commerce/B2B, studying, and working abroad/immigration.
  • The main keywords Chinese netizens search for in relation to the aforementioned countries are centered around studying, migrating, movies/TV, dating/sex, and sports.
  • When searching for “Why” + the respective Western country, the main positive associations are related to politics, the economy, sports, and studying abroad (best 3 = Canada, Greece, France), while the negative associations are related to politics, the economy, and xenophobia (last 3 = Italy, Spain, US).

Further findings from key social and e-commerce platforms in China:

  • According to Ctrip hot cities, the US, France, the UK, and Australia are the most searched foreign destinations by Chinese online users after Asian countries. This can be viewed as an indicator of destinations that the Chinese like to travel.
  • In terms of hashtag followers on Douyin and Xiaohongshu, the US, UK, Germany, and Australia have the most streams and videos on these leading Chinese social media platforms.
  • On Sina Weibo, the embassies of the US, UK, and Canada have the most followers. This is relevant for studying and working abroad as well as immigration as embassies issue visas.
  • The Taobao (Alibaba Group) autocomplete results reflect the interest and demand (services, products) of Chinese consumers in mainland China related to different Western countries. This information is relevant for overseas businesses selling their e-commerce products. The most foreign sought-after services are related to traveling abroad, Daigou (to buy foreign products), brands, and immigration services. The most sought-after products are related to foreign consumer products: fashion and (imported) food as well as medical products/supplements.

Additional findings (political, economic) related to Chinese in China and around the world:

  • Outside of Asia, the largest Chinese communities are in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.
  • The Chinese Government conducts foreign direct investments (FDIs) mainly in Europe, East Asia, and West Asia to secure geopolitical influence, i.a. by expanding trade routes along the New Silk Road.
  • China mainly exports to the US and Hong Kong, while importing mainly from Japan and South Korea.
  • Products made in Germany, Switzerland, the EU, New Zealand, and Canada are associated with the best quality, health, and safety.

Overall, the Baidu autocomplete search results as well as the Baidu PPC data insight reveal that Chinese online users are mostly interested in overseas immigration, tourism, higher education, and brands as well as accessing the internet outside China (including Chinese companies who are in need of marketing services outside China). Besides, we also examined data from relevant Chinese social media and e-commerce platforms as well as further economic and politically relevant data.

Therefore, the following overseas businesses (services and products) have a high potential in the Middle Kingdom:

  • overseas higher education providers (universities, colleges)
  • immigration agencies and service providers
  • overseas real estate agencies
  • overseas travel companies
  • Digital marketing agencies that can help Chinese companies expand outside China
  • international companies seeking Chinese employees
  • global food delicacy and specialty companies seeking to import to China
  • international brands aspiring to sell to Chinese consumers: fashion & accessory, medical & supplements, gaming & toys

China marketing solutions to reach a large, ready-to-buy audience (brand-driven) in China:

  • localized Chinese website 
  • Baidu SEO (organic results)
  • Baidu PPC (paid results)
  • Chinese social media brand account (focus on Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu) 
  • business account on WeChat (for communication)
  • partnerships with influencers and agencies/agents
  • co-branding

So, this is how China sees the world.

Are you ready to get started? Contact China Gravy for your FREE initial consultation.

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